It’s time to take your subscription box and your business to the next level.



I'm Ready to Scale My Box

It’s time to take your subscription box and your business to the next level.

I'm Ready to Scale My Box

It’s time to take your subscription box and your business to the next level.


I'm Ready to Scale My Box

It’s time to take your subscription box and your business to the next level.


I'm Ready to Scale My Box

You’ve built a subscription box business. Now it's time to invest in your business - and in yourself.

 As your subscription box business grows, new challenges come up.

The questions, problems, and issues you needed to solve when you started and launched your subscription box business are different from the ones you face now as you work to grow your business.

I’m guessing one of these sounds like you...

You started out hot and heavy, but now you’ve hit a plateau and you don’t know how to get over the hump.

Your business is growing so quickly you’re having trouble keeping up with All. The. Things.

I get it!

You’re not sure what to do next. You feel overwhelmed and unsure about how to take your business from where it is now to where you dream it could be.

I launched my subscription box and it grew steadily. For a while. Then I reached a point where the growth stopped and I couldn’t figure out why. I realized I needed to invest in myself – to learn and grow as a subscription box owner – in order to scale.

I learned from others. I took courses, joined mastermind groups, and found mentors. I soaked it all up like a sponge and applied what I learned to my business.

That time and that investment allowed me to scale to more than 3,000 monthly subscribers.

 I invite you to learn from me inside Scale Your Box! 


As you probably know, I share my expertise and resources to help people start subscription box businesses inside my coaching membership, Launch Your Box.

I’m here to help you in this new phase of your business, too.

“Sarah completely outdid herself when creating Scale Your Box.

Not only does she give you the “how to,” she takes it one step further and gives you real-life examples of how to put the training you’ve just learned into action… I was challenged to really look at the numbers and set up my analytics properly so that I can set my emotions aside and look at what is really taking place with my business and how to make improvements.”


- Misti -

Launch Your Box and Scale Your Box Member

 Open your mind to what you don’t know yet. 

Join Scale Your Box!
Managing hundreds or even thousands of subscribers can feel like a daunting task. It doesn’t have to be.

Taking your business to the next level is all about:

  • Streamlining processes.
  • Keeping your sales funnel full.
  • Preventing excess inventory from eating up capital.


You’ve tackled the tech and have a website and CRM up and running.
You’ve successfully launched your subscription box.
You have subscribers and proof that what you’re doing is what they want.

Then you're ready to dig into what you need to do to Scale Your Box!

Take a look inside this next-level membership.


  • The training library contains video lessons to go through at your convenience. These lessons dive deeply into a topic vital to scaling your subscription box. They are FULL of all the information you need as well as resources to support you.
  • You’ll find checklists, worksheets, budgets, retention calculators, and more.
  • You’ll also find BONUS content to help you put what you’ve learned into action.
  • Each month, you’ll attend a dedicated ZOOM call with Sarah.
  • Updated and new/relevant advanced training will be added to the library.
  • Learn from member website & social media reviews
  • Your Scale Your Box membership includes membership to Launch Your Box and all that incredible community offers!

The Scale Your Box Core Training Library

 1. Know Your Numbers 


Knowledge is power. As a business owner, you need to know and understand the numbers that affect your business. I walk you through where to find them, how to interpret them, and how to take action based on what you find out!

  • Why You Should Track Your Data
  • How to Set Up Google Analytics
  • The 3 Buckets of the Subscription Box Sales Funnel
  • Traffic
  • Conversion
  • Retention
  • Where I Am vs. Where I Need to Be
  • Bonus - All About Opt-Ins!

 2. Develop Your Multi-Channel Marketing Plan 


Until now, you’ve concentrated your marketing efforts on one or two channels. That needs to change. In order to get to the next level, you need a robust marketing plan that reaches new audiences and brings them into your world.

  • Plan Your Big Rocks
  • Special Promotions & Expansion Revenue
  • Your Social Media Plan
  • Your Email Marketing Plan
  • Your SMS/Text Marketing Plan
  • Your Pinterest Marketing Plan
  • Affiliate & Influencer Marketing
  • Paid Ads
  • Bonus - Subscription Box Social Media
  • Bonus - Scaling Your Ads with Susan Bradley

 3. Optimizing Your Inventory 


Sourcing products and managing inventory gets more complex as your business grows. Learn how to capitalize on your buying power and how to manage your inventory to maximize profit and minimize the amount of cash you have sitting on your shelves.

  • Buying Ahead - Negotiating discounts, free shipping, and extra pieces
  • Sourcing Through a Third Party
  • How Much Space Do I Need?
  • Checks & Balances
  • Creating a 60 Day Minimum Supply Order Checklist
  • Bonus - Liquidating Excess Inventory

 4. Streamline Fulfillment  


You may have started out fulfilling boxes from your home or small office space, but scaling your box means scaling your fulfillment processes. Learn how to gain efficiencies, put more advanced processes in place, and what to consider when you’ve outgrown your current fulfillment space.

  • Prep-work Before You Pack
  • How to Handle Variations
  • Packing Checks & Balances
  • Knowing Your Scaling Limits - Space and handmade products
  • Warehouse vs Fulfillment Center
  • Behind the Scenes at the Framed! Warehouse
  • Bonus - Interview with Ryan from Lessgistics

 5. Hiring - Team Development 


You probably started out as a solopreneur. I know I did. But it’s not possible to truly scale your subscription box and do it all yourself! You need a team of people supporting you so you can concentrate on growing your business. Learn the ins and outs of hiring team members.

  • VAs vs In Person Teams
  • Payroll vs Contractors
  • Developing SOPs
  • Creating Your Org Chart
  • Developing the Team
  • Bonus - Hiring & Onboarding a VA with Emily Reagan

 6. Expanding Your Marketing Plan & Content 


Scaling your box requires consistently filling the top of your sales funnel. And that means creating content to attract, engage, convert, and retain your audience. Learn how to create a content plan that allows you to create content that works for you – consistently!

  • Blog
  • Podcast/Video
  • Self-Liquidating Offers
  • Short Video
  • Getting Subscriber Stories/Shares
  • Introduction to
  • Batching Content & Creating a Content Schedule
  • Bonus - Sarah's Content Selling Strategy

 7. Retention 


You worked hard to get your subscribers. Make sure you work just as hard to keep them. We talk about getting to know your retention numbers and ways to reduce churn. It’s all about relationships!

  • Tracking Your Data - Retentions, churn, long-term value
  • Cancellation Survey
  • Surprise & Delight Your Subscribers
  • Consuming the Contents
  • Building Connections
  • Bonus - 10 Ways to Suprise & Delight Your Subscribers

 8. Maximize the Value of Your Customers 


Your subscribers are your #1 fans and the best source of additional sales. Discover creative ways to market to your audience as you maximize the value of your customers.

  • Expansion Revenue
  • Sales Funnels
  • Margin Builders
  • Cash Flow

“Sarah and her wealth of knowledge are unmatched in this industry!”


- Jonica -

Launch Your Box and Scale Your Box Member

But wait… there’s more!

One thing I know for sure about scaling a subscription box business is how important it is to have access to other business owners who are in the same season in their business. You need people who “get it.”


Join like-minded entrepreneurs who are experiencing the same challenges inside their businesses.

You’ll collaborate inside our Scale Your Box Private Facebook Group - asking questions, bouncing ideas off each other, and encouraging each other.

I'm Ready to Scale My Box!
If you’ve already launched your subscription box and have $50,000 in annual revenue with your business, Scale Your Box is for you!


 Don’t miss this opportunity to INVEST IN YOURSELF and your subscription box business. 


Learn how to scale your subscription box business and realize the greater impact and income you’re dreaming of.

Monthly Membership


per month

Sign me up!

Annual Membership


per year, that's 2 months FREE!

I'm ALL in!!

 When you join Scale Your Box, you get two memberships for the price of one! 

Your Scale Your Box membership includes a membership to Launch Your Box ($57 monthly value)!


You'll be able to go back to the basics any time you need to and then dive deeper into the advanced level topics. And of course, both memberships include an incredible community!

  How about a bonus week with Sarah?!

Register in the first 24 hours for this amazing BONUS!


Join me for THREE LIVE SESSIONS the week of June 7th.


Jump into the HOT SEAT as we deep dive and do LIVE reviews of:

  • Websites
  • Social Media Pages
  • Subscription Boxes
Get MORE time with me in a SMALL GROUP.

More time to talk about your subscription box business. More time to ask questions, solve problems, and develop action plans.

Don’t wait! This Bonus is only good until midnight on March 25th!


I'm Ready to Scale My Box!

Scale Your Box has helped me create a simple sales plan to follow...

“Before Scale Your Box, I sort of just flew by the seat of my pants in my business. Not a good plan! I now see how important it is to KNOW YOUR NUMBERS!! And to stop guessing what is working and what is not. Scale Your Box has helped me create a simple sales plan to follow from having people on your site and catching them with pop-ups to grab their attention, to having a rinse-and-repeat sales system with weekly emails, social posts, and going LIVE.”


- Traci -

Launch Your Box and Scale Your Box Member

Take Your Subscription Box to the Next Level!

I'm Ready to Scale My Box!

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